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What is AI TRiSM? (AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management)

Aidan Simister
| Read Time 8 min read| Updated On - June 27, 2024


AI TRiSM is a term coined by Gartner, which stands for Artificial Intelligence Trust, Risk, and Security Management. AI TRiSM is a framework for organizations considering the adoption of AI models, which represents a comprehensive approach to identifying and mitigating risks related to reliability, security, and trust within AI systems. By incorporating this framework into business operations, organizations can ensure that decisions are grounded in reliable data sources, leading to more accurate and trustworthy outcomes.

According to GLOBE NEWSWIRE the AI TRISM market has witnessed remarkable growth, with a current valuation of USD 1.8 billion in 2022. As the market continues to evolve, it is expected to reach a value of USD 6.02 billion by 2030. This significant growth trajectory underscores the increasing importance of AI TRISM in today’s digital world, where organizations are seeking to safeguard their data and assets against rising threats.

What Can Organizations Do With AI TRiSM?

AI models are not immune to cyber threats, some of which include data breaches, IP theft, model manipulation, and more. To mitigate these risks, AI TRiSM includes techniques that create a secure foundation for AI models, such as data encryption, secure data storage, and multi-factor authentication. By using AI TRiSM, companies can ensure the production of accurate outcomes from AI models, enabling them to focus on driving growth, increasing efficiency, and creating better customer experiences. With AI TRiSM, companies can achieve their goals, such as automating customer data analysis to quickly identify trends and opportunities to improve products and services, and maximize the value of their data by uncovering insights and trends through advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms.

The AI TRiSM Framework

The AI TRiSM framework consists of five pillars, which are explained in more detail below:

1. Explainability

Effective AI model deployment relies on a dual approach of explainability (and model monitoring), which enables AI systems to provide clear and transparent explanations for their decisions and predictions. By regularly scrutinizing the models, we can ensure they operate as intended, without introducing unintended biases or errors. This thorough approach fosters a deeper understanding of how the models function and make decisions, ultimately empowering data-driven decision-making and informed strategic planning.

2. ModelOps

Model Operations (ModelOps) is a critical component of the AI development process, encompassing the entire lifecycle of a model from development to deployment. This involves defining and implementing processes and systems for managing the development, deployment, and maintenance of models. In addition, ModelOps extends beyond the model itself to also encompass the underlying infrastructure and environment, ensuring that the models run optimally and efficiently. This includes ensuring the availability and scalability of cloud resources, including infrastructure, data storage, and processing power, to support the execution and maintenance of models.

3. Data Anomaly Detection

When AI data is compromised, it can lead to anomalous, inaccurate, and potentially harmful outcomes, such as biased results. To prevent such outcomes, data anomaly detection plays a vital role in mitigating errors related to the training data, thereby preventing the propagation of misinformation. Additionally, this method enables the monitoring and correction of instances of model drift, thereby ensuring the AI system remains accurate and reliable over time.

4. Adversarial Attack Resistance

AI TRiSM offers a robust defense against adversarial attacks through a multi-faceted approach, which includes the following components:

  • Adversarial training – By incorporating adversarial training, AI models are trained to recognize and differentiate between erroneous data and clean data, drastically reducing the likelihood of classification errors.
  • Defensive distillation – This involves training two AI models in tandem, where the teacher model provides a baseline for the student model’s accuracy, making it more challenging for attackers to manipulate the system.
  • Model ensembling – This further enhances security by aggregating the outputs of multiple models, creating a more resilient and attacker-resistant system.
  • Feature squeezing – This involves compressing the input data, reducing the search space for adversaries and making it harder for them to exploit vulnerabilities.

5. Data Protection

The protection of sensitive data is a paramount concern in today’s digital world, particularly when it comes to the development and implementation of AI models. AI TRiSM is a pioneering approach that enables businesses to establish robust policies and procedures to safeguard personal data throughout its entire lifecycle, from collection to usage. This comprehensive approach is critical in industries that handle sensitive information, such as healthcare and finance.

AI TRiSM Best Practices

Below are some of the most notable best practices to help you maximize the benefits of AI TRiSM:

Establish an organizational task force

To ensure the successful implementation of AI TRiSM, a dedicated organizational task force or unit should be established. This task force will be responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive AI TRiSM policies and frameworks, which must be rigorously tested to ensure their effectiveness. The task force must possess a deep understanding of how to monitor and evaluate the performance of these policies and frameworks, as well as establish procedures for responding to any changes or incidents that may arise. Additionally, the task force will be tasked with educating employees on the implications and potential risks of using AI technologies, as well as providing training on how to effectively use them to minimize potential risks and maximize benefits.

Maximize business outcomes

Companies should prioritize investing in robust measures to ensure the security, privacy, and risk management of their AI systems, as this will help maximize its potential to drive business outcomes. This proactive approach involves implementing measures that safeguard sensitive customer data from unauthorized access or misuse. For instance, an AI system designed to analyze customer data should be equipped with robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular software updates, to prevent potential data breaches.

Involve diverse experts

The development of AI systems is a multidisciplinary endeavor that requires the input of diverse experts from various fields. By bringing together a range of stakeholders, including those from technical, legal, and ethical backgrounds, we can ensure that AI systems are designed and implemented in a way that is both effective and responsible. A comprehensive AI TRiSM program can be achieved by incorporating the expertise of specialists such as lawyers, who can provide guidance on compliance and liability issues, and data scientists who can assess the data needed to train the AI. It should also include ethicists, who can develop guidelines for the responsible application of the technology.

Prioritize AI explainability & interpretability

By making AI models transparent and understandable, we can guarantee that they are acting ethically and responsibly, safeguarding both customers and the company. To achieve this, we can leverage open-source tools or vendor solutions that improve explainability and interpretability. By drilling down into the inner workings of our models, we can gain valuable insights into which input variables are most crucial for a given model, and how the model’s output is calculated. This transparency allows us to spot potential biases and irregularities, ensuring that our AI models are not only accurate but also trustworthy and accountable.

Tailor methods to prioritize data protection

To safeguard valuable data, companies must prioritize data protection measures to maintain the accuracy and integrity of their AI systems. This can be achieved by implementing a range of solutions, including encryption, access control, and data anonymization, which not only mitigate data breaches but also ensures compliance with increasingly stringent data privacy regulations. However, it is crucial to recognize that different use cases and components of AI models may require diverse data protection methods. By proactively anticipating and adapting to these unique requirements, companies can ensure that their AI systems are not only secure but also protect customer privacy and uphold their reputation, thereby maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

Prioritize data and model integrity & reliability

To ensure the trustworthiness and effectiveness of our artificial intelligence models, we must prioritize the integrity and reliability of our data and models. This involves monitoring model performance and accuracy, identifying potential risks to the organization, and incorporating robust risk management practices into our AI operations. To achieve this, we implement rigorous solutions to safeguard the integrity of our models and data, using advanced security measures to prevent manipulation. Additionally, we must leverage automated testing to validate model accuracy and detect any anomalies or errors in the data.


As we navigate the uncharted territory of AI, it’s essential to acknowledge that the benefits of efficiency, automation, and informed decision-making come with a unique set of challenges. As AI models increasingly infiltrate our daily lives, it’s crucial that we not only understand how they function and what data they rely on, but also actively detect and mitigate biases. Additionally, we must vigilantly monitor third-party AI tools to ensure they don’t compromise our data. To achieve trust and reliability in AI, we must adopt a holistic approach to risk management, implementing robust controls and monitoring systems to prevent unsecured and unreliable outcomes. By embracing a comprehensive AI TRiSM framework, we can unlock the full potential of AI, while also safeguarding our digital future.

Aidan Simister
Aidan Simister

Having worked in the IT industry for a little over 22 years in various capacities, Aidan is a veteran in the field. Specifically, Aidan knows how to build global teams for security and compliance vendors, often from a standing start. After joining Lepide in 2015, Aidan has helped contribute to the accelerated growth in the US and European markets.

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